My thoughts for today. I shared this on my friends web news. Lip News.
I wanted to share my thoughts with all your followers in regards to Keith and many others. As I watched the news and read many posting, I asked myself, what if someone just asked Keith if he ever hit me? What response do you think he will give? My children asked me “Mom are you waiting for dad to say he was wrong?” Good lord no! Men like Keith will never admit to any abuse, any sort of Domestic Violence.
They would rather sit their and lie because they will do anything to uphold their IMAGE! No one wanted to believe me
. My story has not ended because there are so many others who has seen what has happened to me and continues to happen to others. Our Justice System would rather protect the abusers because of the position they hold. All I can do, is thank you Becky.

Wishing you all a bless and wonderful day.
Thank you,
Rosaura T. Thomas - Author
"Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge"